Visiting any church for the very first time can be a tough experience. Well, we want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Faithway Baptist will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home!” Here are a few answers to your questions and what you might expect on your first visit.
Our main Worship Service Sundays 11am. Preceding the Worship Service, we have Sunday School classes for all ages that begin at 10 am.
We also have an afternoon Worship Service on Sundays at 2 pm.
We meet every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm for Bible Study.
We have a Senior Service every Wednesday Morning at 11 am.

Here's What Sunday Morning Looks Like...
Worship is the act of loving and responding to God! Through the heart-warming, conservative music and the clear, Bible teaching and preaching in our services, your heart will be inspired to love and to respond to God.
Each week, families are strengthened, encouraged, and drawn closer to Him through these special times together. Each service is carefully planned and prayed over so that God may work in your life!
Here’s where to find us.
Here’s what to expect.
Most of our members and guests use the front entrance straight up the stairs. If you are unable to use the stairs though, we have a ramp in the back.
There is not a dress code at Faithway for members or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress; however, our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable on your visit here!
We don’t invite you to join us for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you will find in this place a warm family spirit, truth from God’s Word, and a place where you can grow in God’s grace. Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.
Our services are typically a little over one hour in length.
The Sunday School hour lasts from 10am to 11am each week.
You can expect the children’s service to end at the same time as the adult service.
Yes. You can find us on facebook here.
Yes. We are a multigenerational church, and we offer child care for each service.
More Questions?
Fill out the form below and we’ll reach out as soon as we can!